My First Lesson

Apr 12, 2016 14:48
Yesterday, I performed an exercise lesson as a university teacher for the first time ever.

I made some mistakes, but I barely managed to finish the lesson.

Almost all students paid attention in my talk, so I could survive.

Also, since I was speaking for almost three hours, I was very tired.

I have to do my best my work patiently every week from now.

In addition, I have to spend my spare time doing my research and studying English for my dream.






No. 1 Ted's correction
  • Yesterday, I performed an exercise lesson as a university teacher for the first time ever.
  • Yesterday, I performed taught an exercise lesson as a university teacher for the first time ever.
     say 'taught' or 'conducted' a lesson
  • I made some mistakes, but I barely managed to finish the lesson.
  • I made some mistakes, but and I barely managed to finish the lesson.
  • Almost all students paid attention in my talk, so I could survive.
  • Almost all students paid attention in to my talk, so I could survive.
  • Also, since I was speaking for almost three hours, I was very tired.
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • I have to do my best my work patiently every week from now.
  • I have to do my best my work patiently every week from now.
  • In addition, I have to spend my spare time doing my research and studying English for my dream.
  • In addition, I have to spend my spare time doing my research and studying English for to achieve my dream.
Thank you very much for correcting my post! (^^)
No. 2 Kwang Ming (クアン ミン)'s correction
  • Yesterday, I performed an exercise lesson as a university teacher for the first time ever.
  • Yesterday was my first ever physical education lesson as a university teacher.
     It's never 'exercise lesson'. We usually also refer to it as a physical fitness lesson.
  • I made some mistakes, but I barely managed to finish the lesson.
  • Not only did I make some mistakes, I found myself having barely enough time to finish the lesson.
  • Almost all students paid attention in my talk, so I could survive.
  • Fortunately, almost all the students were attentive when I gave the talk, so it made it easier for me to survive the lesson.
     Descriptive and keeps your main ideas.
  • Also, since I was speaking for almost three hours, I was very tired.
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • I have to do my best my work patiently every week from now.
  • For every week onwards, I will need to carry out my responsibilities with full effort and patience.
     is this what you mean?
  • In addition, I have to spend my spare time doing my research and studying English for my dream.
  • In addition, I have to spend my spare time doing my research and studying English to achieve my dream(s).
Teaching requires a remarkably different set of skills from academia. To a large extent, it requires a certain talent and personality in order to succeed, especially if one does long term teaching.

I am sure you did fine though. =)
Thank you so much always for correcting my post!
Indeed, I'm feeling that it's very difficult to teach something for a long term. However, I'll do my best!

> It's never 'exercise lesson'. We usually also refer to it as a physical fitness lesson.
Actually, I taught computer skills in the lesson. Maybe I chose a wrong word, sorry.

> is this what you mean?
Yes, I think that it expresses what I wanted to mean :)
Kwang Ming (クアン ミン)
You are welcome. Ah, in that case, your lesson can be referred to as an "IT lesson" or if if was mostly a talk, then you can call it a lecture.